Metallurgical Grade Silicon


99% Silikon- 331 140 Mesh Metallurgical Grade
price : 0,9 $ /kg
Minimum order : 1 kg



Metallurgical grade silicon (MG-Si) is an essential component of many technologies instrumental in the fight against climate change, such as photovoltaic panels or the electronic micro-chips used in smart grids. Following the shift towards green technologies, the demand for metallurgical grade silicon has been steadily increasing in recent decades. As a result, the ecological footprint of this carbon-intensive activity is rising at a proportional pace. Transitioning to a low-carbon economy will require new ways of producing sustainable metallurgical grade silicon.
Purity : 99%
Melting point: 1414 °C
Density: 2,3290 g/cm³
Delivery time: immediately
Solubility: –
